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4 Secrets of The Human Brain That’ll Help Design Your Next Ad Campaigns

As complex and mysterious as the human brain is, its actual wired to be primitive. Surprised right?

I know it seems counterintuitive, but the vast majority of decisions we make are decided on a gut reaction level. This part of our brain, called the amygdala, relies on our emotions and past experiences to automatically churn out decisions far faster than our conscious minds can.

So why does this matter for us business owners?

Simply, if you can tap into those gut-level, emotional reactions and decisions, you can persuade more people to take your desired action — and more often.

It’s a psychological gold mine, guys.

See, if your calls to actions require a great deal of thinking on the consumer’s part, you’re going to run up against their conscious mind and all of the objections it has to offer.

But if you can reach people on an emotional, reactionary basis — well, taking that next step may just seem like the natural, right thing to do.

Read about these 4 secrets of the human brain that you can put to work in your marketing campaign.

Secret #1

Remember that crazy thing I mentioned earlier called the amygdala? The amygdala controls our gut reactions and it works much faster than our conscious mind. When I say faster I mean much faster, in fact, we have gut reactions in 3 seconds or less.

This is because emotions process five times faster than our rational thought. Emotional thoughts also have a longer lasting impression.

What Can Business Owners Do?

We can make use of this by aiming for the gut reaction. The subject line and preheader text work together to get people to open your email, take action on the social media posts, or make decision to buy from you.

Use these spaces to get your point across at an emotional level. Use words that create excitement, urgency, or even low-grade anxiety

Secret #2

Our brain loves images! Our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than just plain images alone.

According to our primitive brain, we are particularly drawn to sex, food and danger. Of course we must remember to not overdo it, even if sexy skydiving cheeseburgers get more post clicks.

What Can Business Owners Do?

We comprehend and remember better with pictures and text then just text alone. So imagine your email campaign without any text at all. If you can create a story and stir emotion with just your images you’re on the right track.

Secret #3

Whether you use call it’s survival of the fittest or natural selection, human beings are hard wired from birth to identify other human faces.

Humans who could identify threats and build relationships were highly favored in primitive times. Over time, we evolved this special skill today just by reading another person’s facial expression.

What Can Business Owners Do?

Part of the brain that processes images is right next to the area that processes emotion. We would recommend including a face that looks towards your call of action. Close ups work best and eye tracking studies show that we’ll look where they’ll look.

Secret #4

There is more to color choice than just what looks good. Different colors actually send different signals to the brain. 62%-90% of our feelings about a product comes from just color alone. For example yellow produces anxiety and blue builds trust. Did you ever wonder why most social media networks have blue logos?

What Can Business Owners Do?

Test test and test again. Every audience is different, so it’s important to run a few test to discover how color affects response within your own readers. Who knows periwinkle maybe your key to conversions.

These truths about how the brain functions will help you craft smarter marketing campaigns!

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